LEPL - Zurab Zhvania School of Public Administration

Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia

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The school held


Public Administration


State Official Language program


Introductory program for computer technologies

Our Partners

Contact Information

For additional information contact us at : (+431) 232600

Kutaisi - LEPL Zurab Zhvania School of Public Administration
Nikea str. #13, City of Kutaisi 0120
TEL: (+43) 1 232600 
E-Mail: info@zspa.ge
33, Queen Tamar Str. 
Akhalqalaqi 0700, Georgia, 
0800 სამცხე-ჯავახეთის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, 
113 რუსთაველის ქუჩა, 
ელ.ფოსტა: m.babluani@zspa.ge
ტელ: 591 41 12 75
0900 Akhmeta -  Non-Entrepreneurial Legal Entity Football School of city Akhmeta Bakhtrioni
2, Tusheti Str.
TEL: 568693084

106, Sulkhan-Saba Str.
Bolnisi 1100 Georgia, 
1, Tavisufleba Path Str.
Dmanisi 1700 Georgia, 
2, Sadguri Str. 
Gardabani 1300 Georgia,
Kutaisi - LEPL Zurab Zhvania School of Public Administration
Nikea str. #13, City of Kutaisi 0120
TEL: (+43) 1 232600 
E-Mail: info@zspa.ge
2700 Lagodekhi, Village Shroma
College "Aisi"
TEL:  577659879

100, Rustaveli Str. 
Marneuli 3000 Georgia, 
9, Teriani Str. 
Ninotsminda 3400 Georgia.
11, Lambalo 01 Str. 
Lambalo 3800, Georgia,
0102 Tbilisi - Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
Dimitri Uznadze Str. № 52
E-Mail: zspa@zspa.ge
TEL: (0322) 99-09-20 

22, Aristotele Str. 
Tsalka 5300 Georgia,